PikeRide for All

Affordable Transportation Programs

As a local nonprofit organization in Colorado Springs, PikeRide provides accessible, affordable, and active transportation options to neighbors with barriers to reliable, personal transportation.

Qualified participants can apply to our reduced-cost ebike share membership or monthly ebike leasing programs below.


WeRide provides a $20 annual PikeRide ebike share membership to neighbors facing financial hardship.


PikeRide+ provides qualified neighbors with affordable electric bike leasing for $35 a month.

How Does It Work?

These programs provide all the benefits of a PikeRide electric assist bike, including access to an existing ebike community and PikeRide staff while having the ability to access our ebike share system at a reduced rate or keep a PikeRide bike in your possession.

Additional Information

Disproportionately Impacted (DI) communities can be found mapped here: The areas shaded blue on this map identify DI communities in the State of Colorado using a combination of DI definitions. Included in CEO’s definition are: SB22-193, Justice40, the Transportation Equity Index as created by the EV Equity Study, CDPHE’s EnviroScreen, and Tribal areas.

Curious about how these programs support transportation access in our community?

Learn more about the impact of transportation affordability and the broader vision behind our programs.